The Luna Hotels & Resorts group, once again joins the Oncological Association of the Algarve (AOA) for the 19th edition of MAMAMARATONA.
MamaMaratona has been the largest solidarity event in the south of the country and from year to year the Oncological Association of Algarve aims to grow this initiative, not only in number of participants but also in quality of organization. The event will take place on October 27th, and the main news focuses on his move to Quarteira, being organized for the first time in partnership with the municipality of Loulé and integrated in the event “Algarve Tri Run 5.0”.
In addition to these innovations, the March 19 / Run MM 19 'will keep as its objectives to raise awareness of the practice of a healthy lifestyle and to obtain funds for the work of AOA and, consequently, in favor of the cancer patient and their families.
Further information regarding registration, program and event regulations will be announced in advance on the MamaMaratona website.